
What's Going On With New Orleans Porta Potty.


Compassion. It’s one of the great building blocks which makes us human. When tragedy strikes whether it be wide spread or just to a single individual, people show their compassion. Many people reach out to help and volunteer their money or time. Sometimes they do both. Let’s picture a scenario.

A hurricane strikes and demolishes an entire coastal city. Peoples lives are in shambles. Their homes completely destroyed and they have nowhere to go and dont know what to do. They begin to rebuild. They see people show up in droves to help them relieve some of the burden that rests on their shoulders. They expect nothing in return as they are only there to help. Debris and rubble can be seen for miles. With the added help from these volunteers, the clean up gets expedited and the streets start to clear up. After the debris is cleared they begin to rebuild. Houses and shops get erected again. They start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The work in finished. People can go on living again and its all thanks to the volunteers who donated their money and time to help these people rebuild.

The volunteers contacted New Orleans Porta Potty for some 30-yard roll off dumpsters and some portable toilets. They know the service is reliable. The 30-yard dumpsters made it very easy to haul off all of the debris in a quick and reliable manner. They used New Orleans Porta Potty’s portable toilets because they are clean and spacious. They know that New Orleans Porta Potty as a quick response time for servicing so that we keep the customers satisfied.

If tragedy strikes anywhere please consider donating your time or money to help the people in need out. Contact New Orleans Porta Potty for our services. We have a fleet of well trained drivers ready to deliver.

You can contact your local red cross for volunteering opportunities
